
verbs 문장


    Examples of verbs in a Sentence

  • 문장 verb
    1. The subject of a passive verb is usually a patient. ‎
    2. a preteritive verb
    3. a primitive verb
    4. The verb "to walk" is regular. ‎
    5. a strong verb
    6. tensing a verb
    7. The English verb "to notice" is a transitive verb, because we say things like "She noticed a problem".
    8. The Zamenhofian verb komentarii 'to comment' is very often replaced by komenti .
    9. Though derived from a verb phrase, "kickass" can be used interjectionally.
    10. this is an example of the verb 'walk' used intransitively ‎
  • 문장 verbs
    1. Many languages, including English, use auxiliary verbs in constructing the passive voice.
    2. The children were made to construct sentences consisting of nouns and verbs from the list on the chalkboard.
    3. I always stumble over verbs in Spanish. ‎
    4. In English, the third person consists of pronouns such as he, she, it, and they, verbs such as is and has, and most nouns.
    5. Though the ungrammaticality of split verbs is an urban legend, it found its way into The Texas Law Review Manual on Style, which is the arbiter of usage for many law review journals.
    6. The database distributed verbs into transitive and intransitive segments.
    7. This book on English grammar encompasses all irregular verbs.
    8. Nouns pluralize in English, but verbs do not.
    9. In grammar, some verbs can be both reflexive and non-reflexive.

Other Vocabulary

닮은 단어들 (Look-Alike Words)
  1. en verb
  2. en vers
  3. fr vers
  4. en yerbs
  5. fr verbe
출처: 위키낱말사전
어려움: 수평 3
쉽게     ➨     어려운
확실 함: 수평 1
확실    ➨     다목적