
suffered 뜻

EN[ˈsʌfəd] [ˈsʌfɚd]
고통, 고통을

    Definition of suffered in English Dictionary

  • 동사 (Verb)BFsufferSGsuffersPRsufferingSUF-red
    1. simple past tense and past participle of suffer.
    2. 더 많은 예제
      1. 문장 중간에 사용됨
        • A boy, aged 9, had suffered from xerodermia since the second month of life.
        • Patients suffered from tumor entities including hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC; n = 636), hepatic metastases (n = 158) and cholangiocellular carcinoma (CCC; n = 31).
        • He suffered from a horrible wasting disease and lost 100 pounds in only two weeks.
      2. 문장의 끝에서 사용
        • As they do they're encountering barn swallows, and the meeker barnies are suffering.
        • Though sexual myths project the image of the black male "pussy bandit," the "player" as the erotic hero leading this life of endless pleasure, behind the mask is the reality of suffering.
        • ...all the hinges of the animal frame are subverted, every animal function is vitiated; the carcass retains but just life enough to make it capable of suffering.
    • 품사 계층 (Part-of-Speech Hierarchy)
      1. 동사
        • 동사 형태
          • 분사
            • 과거 분사
            • 동사 단순한 과거의 양식

        Other Vocabulary

        닮은 단어들 (Look-Alike Words)
        1. en buffered
        2. en suffer'd
        3. en sufferer
        4. en offered
        5. en buffeted
        출처: 위키낱말사전

        Meaning of suffered for the defined word.

        문법적으로, 이 워드 "suffered" 는  동사, 좀 더 구체적으로, 동사 형태.
        어려움: 수평 1
        쉽게     ➨     어려운
        확실 함: 수평 1
        확실    ➨     다목적