
nouned 뜻


    Definition of nouned in English Dictionary

  • 동사 (Verb)BFnounSGnounsPRnouning
    1. simple past tense and past participle of noun.
    2. 더 많은 예제
      1. 문장 중간에 사용됨
        • A noun phrase is overspecified when it is used in a context where a pronoun would have been unambiguous.
        • His repeated wagerings of his allowances led him to ruin. ( gerundial noun )
      2. 문장의 끝에서 사용
        • In English, the third person consists of pronouns such as he, she, it, and they, verbs such as is and has, and most nouns.
    • 품사 계층 (Part-of-Speech Hierarchy)
      1. 동사
        • 동사 형태
          • 분사
            • 과거 분사
            • 동사 단순한 과거의 양식

        Other Vocabulary

        닮은 단어들 (Look-Alike Words)
        1. en bouned
        2. en rouned
        3. en louned
        4. en noun
        5. en nounal
        출처: 위키낱말사전

        Meaning of nouned for the defined word.

        문법적으로, 이 워드 "nouned" 는  동사, 좀 더 구체적으로, 동사 형태.
        확실 함: 수평 1
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