
normally 뜻


    Definition of normally in English Dictionary

  • 부사 (Adverb)COMmore normallySUPmost normallyPREnor-SUF-ly
    1. Under normal conditions or circumstances; usually; most of the time.
      1. Normally, I eat breakfast at 6am, but today, I got up late and didn't eat until 9.
    2. In the expected or customary manner.
      1. Lisa ate normally, until she realised that she was late for choir, when she sped up.
    3. To a usual or customary extent or degree.
      1. He was abnormally agitated, she only normally so.
    4. (mathematics, statistics) In the manner of a variable with a Gaussian distribution.
    5. 더 많은 예제
      1. 문장 중간에 사용됨
        • If someone normally burns in 10 minutes with no sunscreen, then a sunscreen with sun protection factor 20 will provide protection for up to 20x10 = 200 minutes
        • She's normally a quiet person, but she will talk a blue streak about fashion, if you let her.
        • Chief of defence staff Gen. Walter Natynczyk said last week he would fast-track the reenrolment of anyone who's been retired for five years or less, a process that normally takes six months to a year.
      2. 문장의 시작에 사용됨
        • Normally I just put tomato purée on my pizza, but today I made my own tomato sauce. It was delicious.
    • 품사 계층 (Part-of-Speech Hierarchy)
      1. 부사
        • 학위 부사
          • 시간 부사
            • 주파수 부사
          • 형태소
            • 접미사
              • 접미사로 단어
                • Words suffixed with -ly
          관련 링크:
          1. en normally black
          2. en normally white
          출처: 위키낱말사전

          Meaning of normally for the defined word.

          문법적으로, 이 워드 "normally" 는  부사, 좀 더 구체적으로, 학위 부사시간 부사. 그것은 또한 형태소, 좀 더 구체적으로, 접미사.
          어려움: 수평 4
          쉽게     ➨     어려운
          확실 함: 수평 3
          확실    ➨     다목적