
female 뜻

여자, 여성 암컷
  • 암컷은 수컷과 대비되는 동물의 성별로, 새끼나 알을낳는 독립된 성별을 말한다.
  • 주로 인간 이외의 동물을 가리킬 때에 사용되며, 인간의 여성에 상당한다.
  • 기호로 손 거울을 본뜬「♀」이 사용된다.

    Definition of female in English Dictionary

  • 명사 (Noun)PLfemales
    1. One of the female (feminine) sex or gender.
    2. 형용사 (Adjective)
      1. Belonging to the sex which typically produces eggs and/or has XX chromosomes.
        1. Belonging to the feminine gender (social category).
          1. (grammar, less common than 'feminine') Feminine; of the feminine grammatical gender.
            1. (figuratively) Having an internal socket, as in a connector or pipe fitting.
            2. 더 많은 예제
              1. 문장 중간에 사용됨
                • Males castrated at birth are smaller (Field et al., 1997a ), and females ovariectomized at birth are larger than their intact male and female counterparts (Field et al., 2004 ).
                • My FedEx driver is of the female persuasion. I don't posess[sic] a working dykedar, so I can't say a thing about her; other than she is quite, well, I guess handsome would be the best word for it.
                • Johnson et al. conclude, then, that tapetails, bignoses and whalefishes are in fact larvae, males and females of members of the family Cetomimidae.
              2. 문장의 시작에 사용됨
                • Female spiders of one agribiont genus, Pardosa (Lycosidae), which are hunting spiders, were found to be in better condition in landscapes dominated by arable crops [62 ].
              3. 문장의 끝에서 사용
                • Median age 77 years, range [59–82]) and six healthy donors suffering traumatic subcapital fracture (one male and five females.
                • Several studies suggested that the emission of USVs by male rats induces paracopulatory behavior in females.
            • 품사 계층 (Part-of-Speech Hierarchy)
              1. 형용사
                • 서로 비교할 수가 없 형용사
                • 명사
                  • 셀 수 있는 명사
                관련 링크:
                1. en females
                2. en femaleist
                3. en femalehood
                4. en femaleists
                5. en femaleness
                출처: 위키낱말사전

                Meaning of female for the defined word.

                문법적으로, 이 워드 "female" 는  형용사, 좀 더 구체적으로, 서로 비교할 수가 없 형용사. 그것은 또한 명사, 좀 더 구체적으로, 셀 수 있는 명사.
                어려움: 수평 1
                쉽게     ➨     어려운
                확실 함: 수평 9
                확실    ➨     다목적