
faith 뜻

EN[feɪθ] [-eɪθ]
신앙, 믿음
EN Faith

    Definition of faith in English Dictionary

  • 명사 (Noun)PLfaithsSUF-th
    1. The reasoning of beliefs hoped true by the proof of things, such as philosophy, that are without the real evidence of sight, sound, and touch.
      1. Have faith that the criminal justice system will avenge the murder.
      2. I have faith that my prayers will be answered.
      3. I have faith in the healing power of crystals.
    2. A religious belief system.
      1. The Christian faith.
    3. An obligation of loyalty or fidelity and the observance of such an obligation.
      1. He acted in good faith to restore broken diplomatic ties after defeating the incumbent.
    4. A trust or confidence in the intentions or abilities of a person, object, or ideal.
      1. I have faith in the goodness of my fellow man.
    5. (obsolete) Credibility or truth.
    6. 더 많은 예제
      1. 문장 중간에 사용됨
        • I found the website and found people mingling scholarship with faithgreat googly moogly!
        • When faith and love, which parted from thee never, Had ripined thy iust soul to dwell with God. --Milton.
        • I listened to your speech tonight in which you talked about the power of positive thinking, and I want to ask how I can get some faith in myself.
      2. 문장의 끝에서 사용
        • The defendent has abided by my ruling in good faith.
        • Ibn Rushd tried to reconcile reason and humane morality with God and faith, positing a kindly God and an unfanatic faith.
        • The recent tragedy only served to reaffirm his faith.
    • 품사 계층 (Part-of-Speech Hierarchy)
      1. 형태소
        • 접미사
          • 접미사로 단어
            • Words suffixed with -th
            • 형용사에서 명사를 형성 접미사
              • Words suffixed with -th
          • 명사
            • 셀 수 있는 명사
              • 단수로만 사용하는 명사
                • 셀 수없는 명사
            관련 링크:
            1. en faithful
            2. en faithfully
            3. en faithless
            4. en faithfulness
            5. en faiths
            출처: 위키낱말사전

            Meaning of faith for the defined word.

            문법적으로, 이 워드 "faith" 는  형태소, 좀 더 구체적으로, 접미사. 그것은 또한 명사, 좀 더 구체적으로, 셀 수 있는 명사단수로만 사용하는 명사.
            어려움: 수평 1
            쉽게     ➨     어려운
            확실 함: 수평 9
            확실    ➨     다목적