
Earth 뜻

EN[ɜːθ] [ɝθ] [-ɜː(ɹ)θ]
지구 지구
  • 지구(地球, Earth)는 태양계의 셋째 행성이며, 지구형 행성 중에서 가장 크다. 지구는 45억 6700만년 전에 형성되었으며 지구와 행성 티아의 격렬한 충돌로 생성된 달을 위성으로 두고 있다.
EN earth

    Definition of Earth in English Dictionary

  • 고유명사 (Proper noun)
    1. The third planet in order from the Sun, upon which humans live. Represented in astronomy and astrology by ♁ and ⊕.
      1. Of all the transitions brought about on the Earth’s surface by temperature change, the melting of ice into water is the starkest. It is binary. And for the land beneath, the air above and the life around, it changes everything.
  • 더 많은 예제
    1. 문장 중간에 사용됨
      • Nay th’ Earth it ſelf, on which we tread (they ſay) Turns round and’s moving ſtill ; then why not they?
      • My earth science teacher in high school explained that Jamaica Avenue was situated on the geological terminal moraine, whereupon the glaciers of millions of years past deposited their detrita.
      • Sailing round the world debunked the theory that the earth was flat.
    2. 문장의 시작에 사용됨
      • Earth up a potato crop several times during the season to encourage more tubers to grow.
    3. 문장의 끝에서 사용
      • The astronauts were honored with a ticker tape parade when they returned to Earth.
      • Only Noah and his family survived when the Flood engulfed earth.
      • Services given by the Sayyids are supposed to be free, but they should receive the Zikat, or one tenth of the fruits of the earth.
  • 품사 계층 (Part-of-Speech Hierarchy)
    1. 명사
      • 고유 명사
    관련 링크:
    1. en Eartha
    2. en Earthie
    3. en Earther
    4. en Earthan
    5. en Earthies
    출처: 위키낱말사전

    Meaning of Earth for the defined word.

    문법적으로, 이 워드 "Earth" 는  명사, 좀 더 구체적으로, 고유 명사.
    확실 함: 수평 9
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